Saturday, May 12, 2012

Poleworth Fiber

This picture may not look like much but, it is of incredibly soft Poleworth wool. The wool was dyed in exhaust from Boarder Leister yarn that was a special order. The exhaust bath dyed the prewashed fiber in shades and hues of teal. The true color is hard to see in the picture. Think the color of the ocean off Hawaii. The fiber was picked after it dried and carded once through on a Patrick Green carder using a production drum. The fiber is so fine I wouldn't risk making a second pass through the carder fearing slubs. The finished batts are soft and airy. This is a "next to the skin" project without a doubt. The feel of the fiber is so yummy you catch yourself feeling it every time your near it. The finished project has not been decided, but I can't wait to work with fiber and will start spinning it directly. Keep checking back for updates. I started spinning the fiber on May 3rd 2009. The softness of the fiber comes through in the final product. I am spinning on a Haldane with scotch tension using a short to medium draw. The finished yarn is very fine. The finished color of the yarn is that of the tropical ocean waters with the fluctuation of colors, caused by the ocean floor. I think I will be adding a metallic thread of iridescence teal if I can find one. I usually have a project planned before I start spinning but, this fiber was a golden gift. I was so excited about working with it I just started and thought the fiber would tell me what it wanted to be. I know it wants to be lace, and the most likely finished garment would be a shawl. This fiber is too beautiful to only be use occasionally so I'm thinking a lace sweater maybe a cardi.
So here is the yarn finished and started knitting into a lace cami. sad to say that the date today is 5/10/2012 It was started in 2010 but sat for over a year while I worked through a funk. I am finally starting to get back to work. I didn't add anything to the final yarn just 2 ply. I am knitting this on size 2 needles
Finally the finished product